Presos os suspeitos da agressão ao Policial na Realidade
Por volta das 01h00 sábado (26), a guarnição foi informada via 190 pelo Sd Pm P Moraes que havia acontecido uma ta tentativa de homicídio contra o Sd Pm Elisomar de Oliveira na localidade da Realidade no km 100 na BR 319 por volta de 01h00 diante do fato ocorrido a guarnição deslocou se no horário das 04h20 da manhã até o local da ocorrência Chegando na localidade buscaram informações e, chegaram nos nomes dos suspeitos de cometerem o crime.
As testemunhas relataram que ouviram quando o suspeito com nome de Nelson oferecendo ao Polaco uma motocicleta em troca do serviço (a morte do Policial Militar Elisomar de Oliveira), o motivo seria que havia sido preso pelo Policial. Fato este presenciado pelo proprietário do estabelecimento.
O Policial Elisomar foi até a Distribuidora, onde se encontravam os acusados, comprou uma cerveja e saiu do local, passaram a segui-lo esperando o momento oportuno, quando acharam que era momento certo deferiram duas estocadas de arma branca (faca), sendo uma no abdômen e a outra nas Costas. Ocorreu em frente da distribuidora, só não consumaram o fato devido o policial gritar por Socorro, momento este que os acusados fugiram do local em uma motocicleta, o Policial foi socorrido pelos componentes da guarnição.
Força Tática, 4º BPM, Humaitá, efetuou a detenção dos nacionais suspeitos Nelson Francisco Rosa (50) por tentativa de homicídio, faltando capturar o suspeito conhecido como Polaco, Nelson com hematomas causados por uma briga durante o dia. Os acusados foram conduzidos e entregue na 8° DIH, com sua integridade Física e moral preservadas.
Policiais Militares da Força Tática (4º BPM), Equipes formada pelo CB PM G Relvas, SdPM Roberto Lobo, SDPM Silk Macedo, SDPM Anderson Gomes e Equipe formada pelo Sd P Morais Sd F Batista e Sd Edcley.
In 1967, I purchased a POW/MIA brleeact when my Dad was stationed in Hawaii. I was about 12 years old and wore the brleeact against my Dad’s wishes. He thought it was a Hippie thing .and was disrespectful. My Hero was Cmdr. Kay Russell, a USN Pilot who turned out to be from Miramar Naval Air Station, San Diego. Initially Cmdr. Russell was listed as MIA. Eventually his status was changed to POW. We transferred to San Diego, California. In 1973 I was a Volunteer Nurse Aide at Balboa Naval Hospital during the time of the POW releases from Viet Nam. It was at this time that I learned Cmdr. Russell was from Miramar and his family lived in La Jolla. I had been praying so hard for so many years for him and his family. I was working at Balboa the day the POW’s arrived. I remember the official Black Cars the flags .the people .other military patients who were able to leave their rooms and stand at attention outside the building entrance. I stood quietly to the side waiting to be able to identify Cmdr Russell My Hero. I remember his pride, his words of thanks, and his frailty. Later that day, I was able to have a need to deliver some supplies to the ward where Cmdr. Russell was. I showed the Officer of the Day my POW brleeact inscribed with Cmdr. Russell’s name. I thought she was going to faint. I scratched my name and phone number on the duty roster. I did not want to speak with him while he was in the hospital, and I did not want Public Relations to be involved. This was very personal. 3 weeks after his discharge from Balboa Hospital, my Dad drove me to Cmdr. Russell’s home in La Jolla. I took off my POW brleeact for the first time .and placed it in his hand. Dad and I spent about 10 minutes in his home. I never saw him again, but I have never forgotten him or the sacrifice he made as well as the hell he endured as a POW. He was and always be My Hero.